
The Audit St. Petersburg Consulting Group is a team of professionals!

The Group's results are in large part due to its employees. Our specialists are not simply professionals who have been working in the auditing, consulting and legal markets for over 20 years, but also active participants in the process of reforming the legislation of the Russian Federation. Many of them are author and co-authors of diverse methodologies, books, manuals and publications in periodicals, and combine their professional activity with teaching in the largest economic universities and their affiliates.

Demanding much from our employees, we seek above all to match the level of our clients as well as the norms of legislation in regard to international, Russian and internal standards and regulations for the organization and methodology of the audit's execution.

The Group's leading specialists have certificates qualifying them as auditors, certificates from the Center of Civil Initiatives - which supports internships in the United States of America for the study of American standards of auditing and accounting -, certificates from the National Training Foundation for HR development under the auspices of TACIS and supported by the EU's "International accounting standards and management accounting."

While engaging in public work relating to the activities of the Consulting Group, our specialists are actively involved in the examination and revision of draft laws and other regulatory documents at the federal and regional level, in the preparation of analytical materials on issues having to do with reforming the tax system of the Russian Federation, both for the government of the Russian Federation and for its president's administration.

Zheltyakov, Dmitry - Managing partner of the Consulting Group, member of Central Council of the Audit Chamber of Russia, Vice-President of the Audit Chamber of St. Petersburg, member of the Advisory Council for Tax Legislation at the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, certified auditor, co-author of accounting and taxation manuals. Laureate of the Council of the Audit Chamber of Russia's medal for Honorary Auditor of the Audit Chamber of Russia, of the Russian Collegium of Auditors, associate member of the International Federation of Accountants, recipient of the diploma for Active Participation in the Development of Auditing Activities in the Russian Federation and the Audit Chamber of Russia's diploma for the Advancement of the Audit Profession.

Lashkov, Sergei - Managing partner of the Consulting Group, certified auditor, approved expert in conducting evaluations of audit quality and professional ethics by the Audit Chamber of Russia, multiple winner of Best Auditor of Russia competitions.

Leonov, Alexander - Managing partner of the Consulting Group, member of the Advisory Council for Tax Legislation at the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, certified auditor, author and co-author of a number of texts in periodicals and manuals on accounting and taxation. Laureate of the Audit Chamber of Russia's diploma for the Advancement of the Audit Profession and of the Audit Chamber of St. Petersburg's diploma for Quality Work and Great Contribution to the Advancement of Russian Auditing. Author and lecturer of seminars on accounting and taxation.

The experience and professionalism of our specialists is the Consulting Group's main asset!